SL Danielson talks about new and upcoming releases

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Friday, 25 February 2011

SL Danielson talks about new and upcoming releases

Big congrats on the upcoming release. Both stories sound like so much fun! 
I won't natter at you all, I'll let my guest speak about the upcoming titles.

First I wish to thank Jaime for having me on her site today, thank you!

I have two things to mention: the first is my new book, "Life After Math" which is due out March 26th from Silver Publishing. Currently, it is in pre-order status so you can get your order in now.

This book is a sequel to my paperback book "Love by the Numbers" which I hope to convert to an ebook by summertime (keep your fingers crossed)! It is about a couple named Scott and Jared who met in high school, and Jared needed math help, and Scott is the brainy genius recruited to assist him.

Life After Math follows this happily committed and promised duo to college, where they face not only time crunches, but issues with their fellow students, tutors, and within their relationship. Can they survive all four years of bliss?

fyi, Love by the Numbers is available only through Publishamerica's
Life After Math is at Silver's site:

Second on my list is the hopeful announcement soon of the sequel to 2010's smash, Ranch Hands...I've submitted the sequel and I hope for a yes very soon!

For those familiar with the tale, remember Jerry? Well, he stood out to me and therefore deserved his own chance at love, just at he told Sid and Roger. In this book he more than gets a chance, he gets two! His old flame from high school comes back to haunt him, hoping to romance him once again. But there's another fly in the ointment, a handsome clerk named Daniel has made Jerry's pulse race! Who will win in this dramatic twist-n-turn story? It's not whom you may think...

Details to come as I get it accepted and into the process.


Michael said...

Very awesome! Looking forward to it! ;)

Julie Lynn Hayes said...

Congrats on the new release, looks awesome! I hope you get accepted with Ranch Hands 2 and pull the first one out of PA's hands asap!

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