Six Sentences: A New Release

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Saturday, 26 February 2011

Six Sentences: A New Release

This week, I'm interrupting my WIP to share a bit from my newest release at Pink Petal Books.

Tim is talking to the ghost of the young man he might have ended up with in life if things had worked out differently...

His voice was barely a whisper now and Gordon's nearness sent a shiver through him. "I bet you watch me sleep."

There was a snicker, and Gordon jerked Tim's hand free of the fabric, crushed it in a tight fist.

Tim grimaced, but didn't utter any sound.

"I watched you do a lot of things, Tim‐tim."

"Why did you just watch?"

Check out the other authors's Six Sentences here

I almost forgot!!!! 
There are give aways for Six Sentence Sunday's one year anniversary. Comment and win. (Click on the cupcake for a list of what's on offer)


Jessica E. Subject said...

I love how Gordon used the name Tim-tim. I wonder what he did just see.

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Ooo!!! Spicy! I love it! Love the idea of Ghosts/Human :D!!!


Chrystalla Thoma said...

Nice Snippet!

Sandra Sookoo said...

lol very nice

Cate Masters said...

Sounds like a challenge, lol. Maybe they'll make up for lost time.

Jaime Samms said...

Thanks, everyone :)
Jessica, I'm sure if you think about it a minute you might come up with something...interesting Gordie might have seen peeking in Tim-tim's window at night :)

Casi said...

But if he's a ghost how can he do anything other than watch? That question makes me want to read more.

Rebecca Royce said...

I don't blame him for watching...LOL

The Scarf Princess said...

Very emotional snippet from a genre I adore! Would love to read more.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Lex Valentine said...

That ghosty cover does seem to go with the story doesn't it? And like the others, I wanna know what Gordon saw! LOL

D Carney said...

Naughty ghost. *snicker*

Cathy M said...

Great six, I will have to check out your new release.

Lauri J Owen said...

Sexy six! I'm looking forward to next week's post.

Jaime Samms said...

Lex, your ghosty cover goes perfectly. I love it! And he saw...what you think he saw. :) Tim might be blind, but still has a healthy sex drive ;p

Casi, Tim's relationship with his ghosts is...unconventional, to say the least.

He is that, Dee. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice snippet. I love ghosts.

Rain said...

Oh, so many possibilities to spy on someone when you're a ghost. lol

Congrats on your new release!

Taryn Kincaid said...

Gordon, Gordon, Gordon. You naughty dead boy.

Seleste deLaney/Julie Particka said...

LOVE the "why did you just watch" line.

Jaime Samms said...

Taryn! "You naughty dead boy" *snicker*

Tim does wonder why Gordon waited until after he was dead to say anything...

Emily Cale said...

So sexy! Hope to see more of this.

Lucy Felthouse said...

Very nice! Great six :)

Anonymous said...

And just what was he doing? Nice!

Anonymous said...

*tsk*tsk* I can imagine some things he might have seen ;)

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