Six Sentences: A new Story

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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Six Sentences: A new Story

Today, I'm shifting gears. My current WIP is book three of my Ageless series: Severed.

In this book, Mikko and Ken find that fighting the worlds evils together might, in fact, tear them apart fro good.

Today, I've highlighted a conversation between Mikko and another Ageless, Dean, whom he's trying to decide if he can trust or not. The subject of the discussion? Morgan, a Powerful Ageless man bent on bringing the rest of the Ageless, shifters, elementals and all, under his control.

"Morgan truly believes he is fighting for the earth. He will do anything to reverse what humans have done, and he doesn't flinch at the lives he destroys in his quest."

"And yet you," Mikko shook himself free of Ken's grasp and stalked forward. "You sit here, at the ass end of the world and do nothing to stop him."

"He's not evil, Mikko. He's my brother."

For the rest of the Six Sentence Sunday entries, click here. Enjoy!


Taryn Kincaid said...

Great last line!

Jessica E. Subject said...

I sense conflict! Great job!

Anonymous said...

hmmm, are we SURE he's not evil?

Jessica said...

Oh, family loyalties are tough. Great snippet.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I live on the ass-end of the world. *looks around* where are they? :)

Jaime Samms said...

Thanks, Taryn. I had no idea until he said it. :)

Conflict indeed. Jessica. Dean's complicated.

Well, Dean's sure, anyway.

Dean's in for some tough times, it's true, other Jessica :)

Hey, Graylin. They're in St. John's Newfoundland.

Vivien Jackson said...

Have had similar thoughts about my siblings. Nifty snippet.

Sarah Grimm said...

Ah, yes, family loyalties. Love the last line.

JoAnne Kenrick said...

i, too, am loving that last line! Is he evil? Oh, the drama!

Chrystalla Thoma said...

I like the fact that they aren't all completely good or evil.

Liz said...

ass end of the world - hahha

Unknown said...

Really interesting dynamics.

Lisa A. Vance said...

Yes, hauntingly memorable last line that says it all. Great six!

Lisa Fox said...

That is a awesome last line!

Anonymous said...

Oo. A nice, clearly drawn conflict of interest. I like those.

Jayel Kaye said...

I agree with Taryn. Great last line

Casi said...

Of course he is. And he can be both evil and his brother. I like that option. Of course that still means that brother A can't kill Brother B, but vice versa is certainly likely.

Lauri J Owen said...

Hmmm . . . sounds like heartache on the horizon!

Anonymous said...

"Lives he destroys..." Sounds like he's doing something! But what?

Jaime Samms said...

Funny, Vivienne. I will not say my own personal experiences are drawn on for that line.... I won't say it... lol!

Family loyalties can be curious things, Sarah. Complicated.

Thanks, JoAnne :) No one is ever all evil, as Crystalla has pointed out.

Lex Valentine said...

You know how I love these two. They are just amazing together.

Lynne Murray said...

Serious sibling drama. Great six!

Jaime Samms said...

Which is why I was so sorry to break them apart this weekend, lex :( Stay tuned...

I've got four brothers and four sisters Lynn. I've got some experience....

Pip Green said...

Loved that 'at the ass end of the world' lol!

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