Drea Becraft Visits to share her upcoming release

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Monday, 21 February 2011

Drea Becraft Visits to share her upcoming release

My guest today is Drea Becraft. She's one of the most gregarious loopers I've met and I've quite enjoyed her yahoo loop, Wickedly Sexy Romance. Lots of fun authors and readers there. Today, she's brought along the info for her upcoming release, and I must say, I like the concept of this story. Looks like great reading.

 Vengeance is only a mouse click away, but what happens when you fall for the one you're suppose to hate?  Diane Miles lets very few people into her life, and the ones she calls family she never lets go of.  But what is she to do when her best friend is dying and her whole world as she knows it is about to be torn apart.
Chase Griffin is in shock when a woman accuses him of treating one of his employees wrongfully.  When she takes over his system, making it impossible to work, he doesn't know whether to strangle her or spank her till she begs for mercy.  When he discovers who his local vigilante is, strangling is the last thing on his mind as she becomes his rock during the last days of his sisters life.
To: griffinchase67@arcmanagement.com
Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 8:19 AM
Subject: Oops, did I do that????

It’s been a month, Ace, and you have yet to find and fire the one who wronged my friend. I have given you more than ample time and now it’s time for you to pay.
You are up against one hell of a computer chick. And Ace, I am holding your system ransom until meeting the demands.
I hope you don’t have important meetings you need to be in this week, because I just cancelled them.
Oh isn’t it wonderful how the world translates in 101011, LOL.

Your Local Vigilante

Oh, how good it feels finally sending that message. After a long night of hacking into the arrogant assholes computer system, she finally had the worm in place, and his system stalled. Sometimes, it pays to be one hell of a computer wiz and even one better, having software irreversible by anyone but herself.
Sure, it would be a huge inconvenience for both Mr. Griffin and maybe his secretary, but that’s as far as her vigilance went. Diane only wanted to make one man pay, so no need to hack the entire ARC main frame. Other employees should not pay for the failure of their boss, nor should the customers who pay for services needed.
Totally engrossed in what she was doing, Diane didn’t notice Tina standing in the doorway. Dressed in a black skirt suit with a yellow blouse, she had her hair pulled in a bun. If you didn’t know any better, you would think she was your ordinary woman, but Diane did know better.
“You’ve been at it all night again, haven’t you?” Tina said, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring.
“Always treating me like a kid, yeah Mommy, I spent all night on the computer. But I swear, once I hit the pillows, I’ll sleep all afternoon.” With a half smile, Diane pushed away from the desk and headed toward her friend.
“You better, I swear I have no idea how you go on as little sleep as you do. I would have migraines out the ass if I tried to pull that stunt.”
“Luck of the genes, I guess.” Diane shrugged then hugged her friend lightly. Releasing her, she stepped back a couple of steps to continue their conversation. “When are you going to give your resignation?”
“I will in a couple of weeks. We have some pretty big hitters coming in and I want to get them settled before I up and leave. It’s the least I can do before I leave them bereft an acquisitions agent.”
“And a damn good one at that.”
 “Amen, sister.”
“You are too kind to that man after the way he treated you.”
“Just because someone else got the job as agent doesn’t mean he’s not a good boss, Diane. I sure don’t hold a grudge over what happened. And I have no clue why you would either.”
“I just hate to see anyone hurt the ones I love.”
“Oh, honey, I love you too but just let it go. It’s so not worth the trouble or worry.”
“I can’t help but worry about you, T. You’re my family.”
“You’re my best friend, and I would be so lost without you.”
“I know. I am pretty fabulous.” Blowing on her nails, then on her shirt, she winked at her friend.

* * * *

Chase was pissed. Not only could he not get into any of his files, but his email didn’t work unless sending to only one recipient. The tech guys from his IT department could do nothing to restore it but assured him that only his files were hostage, both were a relief and an annoyance. Obviously, he was the only target of this vigilante, and she was doing a really good job.
Even more pissed now than when first discovering the problem hours ago, Chase shot off an email to his nemesis. Satisfied in the knowledge that while he enjoyed a great lunch with his sister and best friend she would be squirming.

From: Chase
To: vengeance101@network.com
Date: Monday, July 6, 2010, 12:10 PM

Listen, I don’t know who the fuck you are, or how the fuck you got into my system, but I want it RESTORED NOW. You can’t just mess with someone’s livelihood. You mess with me and you mess with the company. Not only are you screwing over your friend but also the people that work for my company.
I have no idea what started this, but if you don’t restore it, I will find you and have my lawyers so far up your ass you won’t know where you end and they begin.

Chase Griffin
President & CEO
ARC Management Company

~~*Where to find Drea*~~


C. Zampa said...

Welcome, Drea! Good to see you! Congratulations on this release, and the book looks GOOD! Ay-ay-ay! Loved the excerpt!

Jaime Samms said...

It's a pretty great excerpt, isn't it? I like that the computer nerd isn't the guy this time :)

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