What's Love Got to Do With It?

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Sunday 22 March 2009

What's Love Got to Do With It?

This morning, some friends and I were discussing the merits (or lack thereof) of the Twilight series, by Stephanie Myers. I'm not really going to go into the discussion now. I will save that post for another day. I just wanted to invite my friend, Nix Winter, over to share a thought she had in relation to teh discussion, becasue I thought it was such a wonderful, inspiring idea.

So, here she is, Nix, and her thoughts on what love has to do with us, our lives, how we live. IWith her permissipn, I've pulled this long quote from the loop on which it was first posted: Castlesintheskyflightsoffantasy)

I don't know.. but Bella must be something... when I think of a character
that's over a hundred years old, probably able to come into decent amounts of
money.. all the art and lovely exciting things in the world and .. what that
character wants most is to... go to high school and date this person who
probably hasn't finished forming her own opinions yet, let alone done anything
with her life. Yeah, cuz he missed out on high school when he was young.
Now, granted, I haven't read the things, nor seen the movie, but I think it
totally plays into the fantasy that people who may not be as confident in
themselves as they might be... about being loved for some magical something or
other hocum rather than being loved for who we are... because when we think
we're nothing, magical hocum is our best hope.

I had this friend once...

who wrote a story about a vampire falling in love with the books written by this
middle aged, physically fraile author... At the time I was kinda.. ewwww.. but
that was because I was younger and couldn't see anything other than m/m as being
attractive to me. Now, I see that if we write the main character/love interest
as someone we might actually be .. it says a lot about us.

If we really want to be Bella.. how long does that last in our lives? A year? Two? If those were the very best years of our lives, and I'm not going back to sodding high
school for nothing, then what does that say about how we see the world, what we
hope for in the word?

Maybe it's just me, growing closer to menopause than homeroom, raining on the parade of the magic mating ritual... I sound bitter and grumpy, but you know....
rather than this splendid idea of seeing someone and KNOWING they're your mate...
I rather like getting to know someone, being flawed on both sides, finding that person's company enthralling and validating, spending time with them without any commitments or promises, and sitting here at my computer, taking a deep breath and realizing how beautiful the world seems when I think of them. Love can seem so very fragile and I can understand the value of wanting this "YOU are my MATE!" kind of magic.. but really Isn't a crystal goblet more lovely than a concrete one? Love is precious because it is so beautiful, so fragile, so unrushable - it happens in
it's time, from full flush in a moment, to taking months or years to build
itself up - and because our lives are so dependent on that tender glow of
acceptance and need.

And you know... Twilight outsells the crap out of my books. So what do I know.

I think, dear Nix, you know a lot about how to follow your heart,
and that is an inspiration to me, every day. Thank you for letting me share
this little bit of what makes you so special to me with my friends.

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